Port Royal is one of the most beautiful spots located on Jamaica’s south coast. It’s somewhat surprising that some years ago it was known as the 'wickedest and richest city' in the world. Just a brief History lesson, don’t worry it wont be a long one. Founded in 1650 by the Spanish and captured by the British in 1655, Port Royal was bound to be war torn. However, Port Royal gained its reputation as the ‘wickedest city’ in the world because of the pillage and plundering that continuously occurred by well known pirates such as Henry Morgan and 3 fingered Calico Jack Rackham. Consequently, the city was struck by an earthquake and tidal wave in 1692 which killed more than 2000 people and left buildings buried under the sea; Legend has it that the bell in the church tower which fell into the sea, can still sometimes be heard tolling from beneath the waves. Some say its bad karma, but in PR, this is an opportunity to sell the country. See I told you it wouldnt be long. : )
A drive through Port Royal today will reveal very beautiful architecture with the many buildings and museums to explore, and you can also enjoy a tasty snack in the very popular fishing village and then perhaps visit one of the many nearby cays for a swim or snorkel. Lime Cay has become a fascination for both locals and visitors alike. And even though pirates have been inexistent for centuries, the place allows us to become pirates for a day. With their Pirate Cruises, they can certainly give you the feel of what Port Royal was like before the majority of it sank. Port Royal has also been a featured location in Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean film series.
Well it makes a good story doesn’t it? : ) If I were told that valuable treasures have been retrieved from the sunken city which was once known to be a haven for legendary Pirates - of course I’d visit, and why not take the kids along for the adventure!
The Ministry of Tourism is responsible for the overall development of the tourism industry and is constantly seeking ways of developing the town to make it into a gateway for cruises and shipping. The Ministry basically maintains the standards of tourism and ensures development of human resources and training. Overall the Ministry of Tourism seeks to facilitate marketing and promotion of Jamaica’s Tourism sector in a way that Jamaica will remain a premier tourist destination. They delegate this role to the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB).
The Jamaica Tourist Board added four animated movies to its Visit Jamaica website (2003) that tell the history of the sunken city of Port Royal. Each of the fancy features is tailored to seduce visitors. The site is geared at marketing and promoting Jamaica in its entirety and not only ‘sand, sea, and sun’, according to the former Director of Tourism, Paul Pennicook.
Well we'll just have to see just how this is done...wont we?
Techjamaica.com JTB sells Jamaica seductively, virtually May 31, 2003, http://www.techjamaica.com/content/view/211/50/ [Accessed Jan. 4, 2009]
Visit Jamaica Website http://www.visitjamaica.com/attractions/port-royal.aspx?terms=port*+royal* [Accessed Jan. 4, 2009]
Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Royal [Accessed Jan. 4, 2009]
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